
Stck Language Spec

The Stck language is defined by the following specification.


Comments start with # and extend to the end of the line.


Stck uses two primary data types.

  • Numbers. e.x. -1, 1.2, 4, 0
  • Strings. e.x. "hello"


Stacks are the only data structure in stck. They are identified using a sequence of alpha characters. They can be pushed to or popped from.

  • 1>a: Push value 1 onto stack a
  • a>b: Pop from stack a and push value to stack b
  • a>: Pop from stack a

Popping from an empty stack always returns 0.

There are two special stacks:

  • Stack i is read only and contains the standard input.
  • Stack o is write only. Values pushed to this stack are sent to standard output.


In addition to popping and pushing, stacks can be manipulated with operators.

Math: +, -, *, /

In the following examples, addition can be replaced with any of the mathematical operators.

Syntax: stack+operand or stack+stack or stack+

  • a+b: Pop from a and b, perform addition, push the result to a.
  • a+: Pop two values from a, perform addition, push the result to a.
  • a+4: Pop from a, perform addition with the literal 4, push the result to a.

Clear: ?

Syntax: stack?

Clears the stack if the topmost value is 0.


Functions are defined between curly braces.

Syntax: {:name BODY}

# function body

When a function is called, the function body is executed. Functions can only be defined at the top level of a program.


Loops are defined between parens

Syntax: (stack BODY)

# loop body

A loop will execute until the stack is empty.